Health Concerns Related to Rat Infestations


Rat infestations can pose serious health concerns for both individuals and communities. These pests carry various diseases and can contaminate food, water sources, and living environments. Understanding the health risks associated with rat infestations is essential in taking appropriate measures to prevent and address these issues. Let’s explore some of the primary health concerns related to rat infestations.

1. Transmission of Diseases

Rats are known carriers of several diseases that can be transmitted to humans through contact with their urine, feces, saliva, or bites. One of the most well-known diseases transmitted by rats is leptospirosis, a bacterial infection that can cause severe symptoms such as fever, muscle pain, and jaundice. Hantavirus, another dangerous disease spread by rats, can lead to respiratory distress and is potentially life-threatening. Rat-bite fever, salmonellosis, and plague are other notable diseases associated with these pests. The risk of contracting these diseases significantly increases when there is direct contact or exposure to rat-infested environments.

2. Allergies and Asthma

Rat infestations can trigger allergies and worsen respiratory conditions, particularly for individuals who are already prone to allergies or have asthma. Rat dander, urine, and droppings can release allergens into the air, leading to respiratory irritation, sneezing, coughing, and wheezing. People with sensitivities to these allergens may experience severe allergic reactions that can have a significant impact on their overall health and well-being.

3. Contamination of Food and Water

Rats have a voracious appetite and will readily invade food storage areas in homes, restaurants, and food processing facilities. They can easily gnaw through packaging, chew on food items, and leave behind feces, urine, and hair, contaminating the food supply. Ingesting food or water that has come into contact with rats or their waste can lead to various bacterial or viral infections, including salmonella and E. coli. Food poisoning symptoms, such as nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and abdominal pain, can have severe consequences on one’s health and, in some cases, require medical attention.

4. Damage to Infrastructure and Electrical Wiring

Besides the direct health risks they pose, rats can cause significant damage to buildings, homes, and infrastructure. They have strong teeth that can chew through wood, plastic, and even metal, creating entry points and damaging structures. Rats are known to gnaw on electrical wiring, which can lead to power outages, fire hazards, and costly repairs. Damaged electrical systems can pose a serious safety risk and increase the likelihood of electrical accidents, which may result in injuries or even fatalities.

5. Psychological Impact

Living in a rat-infested environment can have profound psychological effects on individuals. The fear and stress of constantly encountering rats or dealing with their presence can cause anxiety, sleep disturbances, and mental distress. The feeling of being unsafe in one’s own home can have long-lasting psychological consequences and significantly impact overall mental health and well-being.

Prevention and Intervention

Given the health concerns related to rat infestations, it is crucial to take preventive measures and address infestations promptly. Practicing good sanitation and hygiene, such as proper waste management, sealing entry points, and regularly cleaning living areas, can help deter rats from invading homes and buildings. Additionally, seeking professional pest control services is essential in effectively eliminating rat infestations and minimizing the associated health risks. Trained professionals can safely and effectively remove rats, implement rodent-proofing measures, and provide guidance on preventing future infestations.


Rat infestations pose significant health concerns due to the diseases they carry, allergy triggers, food and water contamination, structural damage, and psychological impact. It is crucial to prioritize preventive measures to minimize the risks associated with rats, including maintaining clean living environments, practicing good hygiene, and seeking professional pest control services when infestations occur. By taking proactive steps, individuals and communities can protect their health and well-being from the harmful effects of rat infestations.

Need Exterminators in Bartlesville, OK?

Family owned and operated since 2003, we have earned a reputation for providing quality, reliable, timely, and affordable pest control services to the residents and businesses of Oklahoma and Kansas. Our team of highly skilled, experienced, and certified staff uses only use the most technologically advanced treatment methods while respecting your home needs. We specialize in the removal of ants and carpenter ants, termites, cockroaches, fleas, spiders, bed bugs, stinging insects, mice, rats and more! We offer monthly, bi-monthly, quarterly, semi-annual and annual service for your convenience and peace of mind! Contact us today to learn more about what we can do for you!

Common Signs of Rats and Mice Infesting Your Home


Discovering that your home is infested with rats or mice can be unsettling and alarming. These pests not only cause damage to your property but also pose health risks to you and your family. If you suspect a rat or mouse infestation, it’s crucial to take immediate action to eliminate the problem. To help you identify these unwanted guests, we have compiled a list of common signs that indicate rats or mice have made their way into your home.

Unusual Noises

One of the first signs of a rodent infestation is strange noises coming from your walls, attic, or crawl spaces. Rats and mice are typically active at night, so you might hear scratching, scampering, or squeaking sounds when the house is quiet. These noises are a result of their movement, nesting activities, and communication with other rats or mice. Pay close attention to any unusual sounds, especially during the night, as it could indicate the presence of rodents in your home.


Rat and mouse droppings are a clear indication of their presence. These droppings are typically small and resemble black grains of rice or small pellets. You may find them in the areas where rodents are active, such as the kitchen, pantry, or near their nests. Take caution when handling droppings, as they can carry harmful bacteria and parasites which can be a health risk. Wear gloves and use proper sanitation methods to clean up any droppings and disinfect the area.

Gnaw Marks

Rats and mice have incisor teeth that continuously grow, and they gnaw on objects to keep these teeth trimmed down. Look for gnaw marks on wood, plastic, insulation, or electrical wires. Rodents may chew on furniture, baseboards, or even walls in their search for food and nesting materials. If you notice any signs of gnawing, it’s essential to address the issue promptly to prevent further damage to your property and potential electrical hazards.

Nesting Materials

Finding shredded paper, fabric, or other soft materials in your home may indicate the presence of rats or mice. These materials are often used by rodents to build their nests, which are typically hidden in secluded areas such as attics, crawl spaces, or inside walls. Inspect these areas for any signs of nests or nesting materials. If you come across a nest, it’s advisable to contact a pest control professional to handle its removal safely.

Grease Marks and Tracks

Rats and mice have oily fur, and as they navigate through your home, they may leave greasy smudges or tracks along their usual paths. You may notice dark, greasy marks along walls, baseboards, or near entry points like holes or gaps. These marks are a result of the rodents repeatedly brushing against surfaces as they move around. Follow these tracks to identify potential entry points and take measures to seal them off, preventing further infestation.

Rub Marks

Similar to grease marks, rats and mice may create rub marks along their regular routes. These marks are caused by their bodies repeatedly brushing against walls or other surfaces. They are usually seen as smudges or dark streaks, particularly in corners, narrow gaps, or along baseboards. If you notice rub marks, it’s an indication that rodents are actively using those routes and requires attention to prevent further infestation.


Perhaps the most obvious sign of a rodent infestation is actually seeing rats or mice in your home. Spotting these pests during the day is uncommon, as they are primarily nocturnal creatures. However, if you see them during daytime hours, it may indicate a larger infestation or a lack of available food sources. If you do see a rat or mouse, take immediate action to address the problem and contact a pest control professional for assistance.

Unpleasant Odors

A strong, musky odor in your home can indicate the presence of rats or mice. Rodents have scent glands that produce a distinctive smell that can become more noticeable in enclosed areas or areas where they congregate. If you notice an unpleasant odor that persists despite your efforts to eliminate it, it’s worth investigating for a possible rodent infestation.


Being aware of the common signs of rat and mouse infestation can help you identify and address the problem promptly. Keep an eye out for unusual noises, droppings, gnaw marks, nesting materials, grease marks and tracks, rub marks, sightings, and unpleasant odors. If you suspect a rodent infestation, it’s advisable to contact a professional pest control service to assess the situation, implement effective extermination methods, and provide guidance on preventing future infestations. Early detection and prompt action are key to minimizing the damage and health risks associated with rats and mice in your home.

Need Exterminators in Bartlesville, OK?

Family owned and operated since 2003, we have earned a reputation for providing quality, reliable, timely, and affordable pest control services to the residents and businesses of Oklahoma and Kansas. Our team of highly skilled, experienced, and certified staff uses only use the most technologically advanced treatment methods while respecting your home needs. We specialize in the removal of ants and carpenter ants, termites, cockroaches, fleas, spiders, bed bugs, stinging insects, mice, rats and more! We offer monthly, bi-monthly, quarterly, semi-annual and annual service for your convenience and peace of mind! Contact us today to learn more about what we can do for you!

Common Causes of Mice Being Attracted to Your Home


If you have ever had an unwelcome furry visitor scurrying around your home, you know how alarming it can be. Mice are not only a nuisance, but they can also spread diseases and cause damage to your property. It’s important to understand why mice may be attracted to your home in order to prevent infestations. In this blog post, we will discuss some common causes of mice being attracted to your home.

1. Accessible Food Sources:

Mice are attracted to your home because they are in search of food. If you have accessible food sources, such as open garbage cans, unsealed containers, or spilled food, it’s like an open invitation to these pesky rodents. It’s important to keep your kitchen and pantry clean and tidy, store food in sealed containers, and regularly take out the garbage to discourage mice from being attracted to your home.

2. Clutter and Storage:

Mice are attracted to clutter and areas where they can hide and build their nests. If you have a lot of clutter in your home, such as boxes, piles of paper, or old furniture, it provides the perfect environment for mice to thrive. It’s important to declutter your home and organize your storage areas to eliminate potential nesting spots for mice.

3. Cracks and Holes:

Mice can squeeze through tiny openings, so any cracks or holes in your home’s exterior can provide an entry point for them. Check your foundation, walls, windows, and doors for any gaps or openings and seal them properly. This will not only help prevent mice from entering your home but also improve energy efficiency.

4. Water Sources:

Just like food, mice are also attracted to water sources. Leaky pipes, dripping faucets, or even pet water bowls left out overnight can provide a water source for these rodents. Be sure to fix any plumbing leaks and clean up any spills or puddles promptly to remove the attraction for mice.

5. Pet Food:

If you have pets, their food can be a magnet for mice. Leaving pet food out all day and night can attract mice, as they are always on the lookout for an easy meal. To prevent mice from being attracted to your home, feed your pets at designated times and remove any uneaten food promptly.

6. Garbage and Compost:

Mice are scavengers, and they can easily find food in your garbage or compost pile. Make sure your garbage cans have tight-fitting lids and clean them regularly. If you have a compost pile, keep it well-maintained and away from your home to avoid attracting mice.

7. Neighborhood Environment:

Sometimes, the cause of mice being attracted to your home can be related to the overall environment of your neighborhood. If you live in an area with a high density of mice, it increases the chances of them finding their way into your home. In such cases, it’s important to be extra vigilant in keeping your home clean and free from any potential attractants.


Mice can be attracted to your home due to a variety of reasons. Ensuring that your home is free from accessible food sources, clutter, cracks, and holes, and maintaining a clean and tidy environment will help prevent mice infestations. Additionally, being mindful of water sources, pet food, and garbage can also deter mice from being attracted to your home. By taking these preventive measures, you can keep your home mouse-free and maintain a healthy and safe living environment.

Need Exterminators in Bartlesville, OK?

Family owned and operated since 2003, we have earned a reputation for providing quality, reliable, timely, and affordable pest control services to the residents and businesses of Oklahoma and Kansas. Our team of highly skilled, experienced, and certified staff uses only use the most technologically advanced treatment methods while respecting your home needs. We specialize in the removal of ants and carpenter ants, termites, cockroaches, fleas, spiders, bed bugs, stinging insects, mice, rats and more! We offer monthly, bi-monthly, quarterly, semi-annual and annual service for your convenience and peace of mind! Contact us today to learn more about what we can do for you!

Seven Tips for Keeping Rodents Out of Your House This Winter

Nothing beats coming home on a cold winter day to a nice warm home and being able to snuggle on the couch with a cozy blanket and a steaming cup of coffee or cocoa. Unfortunately, you’re not the only one who finds your nice, warm home particularly inviting this time of year.

Once the weather gets cold, rodents will be looking for a warm place to make their home for the winter. If you don’t want these uninvited guests infiltrating your home for the holidays—and we mean the rodents, not the in-laws—we can help. Here are seven tips from Excellence Pest Control, your local rodent control service in Bartlesville, OK, to help keep the rodents out of your home this winter:

By following these few simple steps, you can help protect your home from pesky rodents this winter. However, if you do find yourself having a problem with mice or rats in your home, call the team at Excellence Pest Control for rodent control service in Bartlesville, OK.

Your Home is the Perfect Haven for Rodents This Winter

When the weather is cold and the ground is covered in snow, there’s no better way to warm up than to stay indoors. Unfortunately, rodents have the same thought process as people do when the cold weather rolls in. If you’re not careful, rodents can settle down into your warm house and have easy access to your food. Not only can these rodents feast upon your snacks, but they might also damage your home and even spread serious diseases. Knowing what attracts them and whether your home is infested is the first step to effective rodent removal in Bartlesville, OK.

How rodents enter your home

A rat or mouse can fit through the smallest openings on their quest to get out of the cold. A full-size rat can fit through an opening the size of a quarter, while a mouse is able to easily slip through a hole smaller than a dime! Those cracks and crevices in the walls or foundation are the perfect entryway. Not to mention they can also enter through an open window, a poorly sealed chimney or even underneath your front door!

How to tell if your home is infested

Most homeowners never realize they have a problem until they actually see droppings, teeth marks on furniture or damaged food packaging—and some don’t notice anything until they actually catch sight of a rat or mouse. The best way to tell if you have any unwanted critters is to watch out for any signs of nesting in dark and warm areas, such as in kitchen cabinets. Pay special attention to any squeaks or other sounds coming from the walls in the middle of the night, as well.

Preventative steps to keep pests out

Follow these steps before the weather drops below freezing to prevent rodents from entering your home this winter:

Removing rodents from your home

Unfortunately, these steps won’t be much help if the mice and rats have already found a warm bed in your home. If that seems to be the case, then it’s best to call a professional for rodent removal in Bartlesville, OK to eliminate the problem quickly and efficiently. An experienced exterminator will know the best ways to remove the rodents before examining your home to find any vulnerable points where they may have entered.

After the initial service, it’s best to schedule a regular appointment to ensure your home is continuously safe from any rodent intruders. Call Excellence Pest Control today to learn more about rodent removal in Bartlesville, OK, and to schedule a visit.