Why You Shouldn’t Squish a Wolf Spider – Alternative Methods

Wolf spiders are a common sight in many homes, recognized by their robust bodies and swift movements. Unlike other spiders, they don’t spin webs to catch prey but instead hunt it down, hence their name. These arachnids can grow quite large, which often prompts homeowners to consider drastic measures when encountering them indoors.

Signs of Wolf Spider Infestation

Identifying a wolf spider infestation is crucial for effective management. While they typically prefer outdoor habitats, certain signs indicate their presence indoors. Look for shed exoskeletons, egg sacs, or sightings of the spiders themselves, especially during the evening when they are most active.

Why You Should Avoid Squishing Them

1. Ineffectiveness

Squishing a wolf spider might seem like a quick solution, but it rarely addresses the underlying issue of their presence. This method eliminates only the individual spider, leaving potential eggs or other spiders unaddressed.

2. Mess and Smear

Attempting to squish a wolf spider can result in a messy cleanup. Their size often leads to a noticeable smear, which can be difficult to clean from walls, floors, or surfaces.

3. Defensive Reactions

When threatened, wolf spiders can bite, although their venom is typically not dangerous to humans. However, provoking them through squishing can increase the likelihood of defensive behavior.

4. Environmental Impact

Resorting to chemical sprays or squishing can harm the environment indoors. These methods introduce toxins into living spaces or may impact other beneficial insects and organisms.

Alternative Methods for Dealing with Wolf Spiders

1. Prevention

Sealing Entry Points: Conduct a thorough inspection of your home to identify and seal potential entry points such as gaps under doors, cracks in walls, or torn screens.

Reduce Outdoor Habitats: Keep outdoor areas clean and tidy, as overgrown vegetation or clutter can attract wolf spiders indoors.

2. Capture and Release

Using a glass and paper method, gently capture the spider and release it outside, away from your home. This approach avoids harm to the spider and addresses the immediate concern of its presence indoors.

3. Natural Repellents

Essential Oils: Certain essential oils such as peppermint or citrus can act as natural repellents to spiders. Dilute these oils and spray them around entry points or areas where spiders are spotted.

Vinegar Solution: A mixture of vinegar and water can be sprayed in corners and cracks to deter spiders. This solution is non-toxic and safe for indoor use.

4. Professional Pest Control

If the infestation persists or if you’re uncomfortable dealing with spiders directly, consider hiring a professional pest control service. They can assess the situation and implement targeted measures to manage the spider population effectively.


Understanding how to deal with wolf spiders effectively involves more than just reaching for a shoe or tissue. By employing alternative methods such as prevention, capture and release, or natural repellents, you can manage their presence without resorting to harmful or ineffective techniques. Remember, coexisting with these beneficial creatures can be achieved through thoughtful and humane practices that prioritize both your comfort and environmental responsibility.

Need Exterminators in Bartlesville, OK?

Family owned and operated since 2003, we have earned a reputation for providing quality, reliable, timely, and affordable pest control services to the residents and businesses of Oklahoma and Kansas. Our team of highly skilled, experienced, and certified staff uses only use the most technologically advanced treatment methods while respecting your home needs. We specialize in the removal of ants and carpenter ants, termites, cockroaches, fleas, spiders, bed bugs, stinging insects, mice, rats and more! We offer monthly, bi-monthly, quarterly, semi-annual and annual service for your convenience and peace of mind! Contact us today to learn more about what we can do for you!

What Are Signs of June Bugs?

June bugs, scientifically known as Phyllophaga, are a common sight in many parts of the world during the early summer months. These beetles are notorious for their nocturnal habits and distinctive buzzing flight. While encountering one or two June bugs might seem harmless, a significant presence can indicate an infestation that requires attention.

Identifying Signs of June Bugs

Physical Appearance

Identifying June bugs is relatively straightforward due to their distinctive appearance. These beetles typically range from half an inch to an inch in length and have an oval-shaped body with a shiny, reddish-brown or tan color. They are characterized by their large, prominent antennae that are often as long as or longer than their bodies.

Nocturnal Activity

One of the first signs of June bugs is their nocturnal behavior. These insects are most active during the evening and nighttime hours, often flying clumsily around lights or landing on surfaces near light sources. Their buzzing flight and erratic movements around outdoor lights are common sights during late spring and early summer.

Damage to Foliage

Another significant indicator of June bug presence is damage to foliage. Adult June bugs feed on the leaves of a variety of plants, including trees, shrubs, and ornamental plants. They chew irregularly shaped holes in the leaves, causing damage that can weaken the plant over time. If you notice irregular patterns of holes or extensive damage to leaves on your plants, it may be a sign of a June bug infestation.

Grubs in Soil

June bugs begin their life cycle as grubs in the soil. These larvae are white or cream-colored with a distinct C-shaped body and can be found beneath the soil surface, particularly in lawns and gardens. Signs of grubs include patches of dead or dying grass, which indicates that the grubs are feeding on the roots. If left untreated, these grubs can cause significant damage to your lawn.

Signs of a June Bug Infestation

Increased Beetle Activity

An increase in beetle activity around your property is a clear sign of a June bug infestation. If you notice a sudden surge in the number of beetles flying around outdoor lights, gathering near windows, or landing on plants, it could indicate a large population nearby.

Damage to Vegetation

As mentioned earlier, June bugs can cause noticeable damage to vegetation. If you observe extensive leaf damage or notice that plants are struggling despite regular care, it might be due to a significant population of June bugs feeding on them. Prompt identification and treatment can help mitigate further damage to your garden or landscape.

Presence of Grubs

Finding grubs in the soil is another indicator of a June bug infestation. To check for grubs, carefully dig up a small section of soil in your lawn or garden. If you find multiple C-shaped larvae beneath the surface, especially during the late spring or early summer months, it indicates that adult June bugs have laid eggs in your soil, leading to a potential infestation.

Dealing with a June Bug Infestation

Natural Predators and Controls

Several natural predators and controls can help manage June bug populations without resorting to chemical treatments. Birds, such as robins and starlings, feed on adult June bugs, while beneficial nematodes and microbial insecticides target the larvae in the soil. Additionally, maintaining a diverse and healthy garden ecosystem can naturally deter and reduce June bug populations.

Physical Barriers and Traps

Physical barriers, such as row covers or netting, can protect vulnerable plants from adult June bugs. Traps designed to attract and capture adult beetles can also be effective in reducing local populations. Emptying and disposing of traps regularly can prevent captured beetles from laying eggs and perpetuating the infestation.

Chemical Treatments

In severe cases of infestation, chemical treatments may be necessary. Insecticides labeled for use against June bugs can be applied to affected plants or soil according to the manufacturer’s instructions. It’s essential to follow safety guidelines and consider the environmental impact when using chemical treatments.


Recognizing the signs of June bugs and understanding the potential for infestation is crucial for maintaining a healthy garden and landscape. By identifying early indicators such as nocturnal activity, foliage damage, and the presence of grubs, you can take proactive measures to manage and mitigate June bug populations effectively. Whether through natural predators, physical barriers, or targeted treatments, addressing a June bug infestation promptly can help preserve the vitality of your plants and ensure a thriving outdoor environment.

Remember, staying vigilant and implementing appropriate control measures can make a significant difference in protecting your garden from these seasonal pests.

Need Exterminators in Bartlesville, OK?

Family owned and operated since 2003, we have earned a reputation for providing quality, reliable, timely, and affordable pest control services to the residents and businesses of Oklahoma and Kansas. Our team of highly skilled, experienced, and certified staff uses only use the most technologically advanced treatment methods while respecting your home needs. We specialize in the removal of ants and carpenter ants, termites, cockroaches, fleas, spiders, bed bugs, stinging insects, mice, rats and more! We offer monthly, bi-monthly, quarterly, semi-annual and annual service for your convenience and peace of mind! Contact us today to learn more about what we can do for you!

Can Pest Control Help the Value of My Home?

Pest control is often associated with keeping our homes safe and healthy, but can it also have an impact on the value of our homes? Many homeowners wonder if investing in pest control services can actually help increase the value of their property. In this blog post, we will explore the relationship between pest control and home value, and whether or not it’s worth considering for your own home.

Understanding the Link Between Pest Control and Home Value

The presence of pests in a home can have a negative impact on its value. Potential buyers are likely to be turned off by the idea of purchasing a home that has a pest problem, as it can be a sign of poor maintenance and neglect. Common household pests such as rodents, termites, and ants can cause damage to the structure of a home, leading to costly repairs and decreased value.

On the other hand, a home that has been properly maintained and protected against pests can command a higher price on the market. By investing in regular pest control services, homeowners can prevent infestations and ensure that their property remains in good condition. This can make the home more appealing to potential buyers and ultimately increase its value.

The Benefits of Pest Control for Home Value

There are several benefits to investing in pest control services for your home, beyond just protecting its value. Some of the key advantages include:

1. Pest prevention: Regular pest control treatments can help prevent infestations before they occur, saving homeowners from having to deal with costly repairs and damage.

2. Health and safety: Certain pests can pose serious health risks to homeowners and their families. By keeping pests at bay, homeowners can create a safer and healthier environment for themselves and their loved ones.

3. Peace of mind: Knowing that your home is protected against pests can give homeowners peace of mind and confidence in the value of their property.

4. Energy efficiency: Pests such as rodents and insects can cause damage to insulation and wiring, leading to increased energy costs. By keeping pests away, homeowners can improve the energy efficiency of their home.

How to Increase Your Home’s Value with Pest Control

If you are considering investing in pest control services to increase the value of your home, there are a few steps you can take to maximize the benefits:

1. Regular inspections: Schedule regular inspections with a professional pest control company to check for signs of pests and address any issues before they escalate.

2. Seal entry points: Keep pests out of your home by sealing cracks, gaps, and other entry points where pests can gain access.

3. Maintain cleanliness: Keep your home clean and clutter-free to reduce the likelihood of attracting pests.

4. Invest in preventative treatments: Consider investing in preventative pest control treatments to keep pests at bay and protect the value of your home.


There is a clear link between pest control and home value. By investing in regular pest control services, homeowners can protect their property from damage, improve its curb appeal, and potentially increase its value on the market. If you are looking to maximize the value of your home and create a safe and healthy environment for your family, pest control is definitely worth considering. So, can pest control help home value? The answer is yes.

Need Exterminators in Bartlesville, OK?

Family owned and operated since 2003, we have earned a reputation for providing quality, reliable, timely, and affordable pest control services to the residents and businesses of Oklahoma and Kansas. Our team of highly skilled, experienced, and certified staff uses only use the most technologically advanced treatment methods while respecting your home needs. We specialize in the removal of ants and carpenter ants, termites, cockroaches, fleas, spiders, bed bugs, stinging insects, mice, rats and more! We offer monthly, bi-monthly, quarterly, semi-annual and annual service for your convenience and peace of mind! Contact us today to learn more about what we can do for you!

Tips for Controlling Ground Beetles

Ground beetles are a common pest that can be problematic for homeowners and gardeners. These insects are known for their voracious appetite and can cause damage to plants, crops, and other vegetation. Controlling ground beetles is essential to protect your garden and property from infestation. In this blog, we will provide tips for controlling ground beetles and preventing them from causing damage to your plants.

Identify the Problem

The first step in controlling ground beetles is to identify the problem. Ground beetles are typically black or dark brown in color and have long bodies with ridged wing covers. They are nocturnal creatures and can often be found hiding under rocks, mulch, or other debris during the day. Look for signs of damage to plants, such as chewed leaves or stems, as this may indicate a ground beetle infestation. By identifying the presence of ground beetles early on, you can take proactive measures to control their population.

Remove Debris and Shelter

Ground beetles thrive in moist, dark environments with plenty of shelter and hiding spots. To control ground beetles, it is essential to remove debris and clutter from your garden or yard. Clear away rocks, logs, mulch, and other materials that provide hiding places for ground beetles. By eliminating their shelter, you can make your outdoor spaces less inviting to these pests and reduce the risk of infestation.

Practice Crop Rotation

If you have a vegetable garden or crops that are vulnerable to ground beetle damage, practicing crop rotation can help control their population. Ground beetles are attracted to certain plants and crops, so by rotating your crops each season, you can disrupt their feeding patterns and reduce the likelihood of infestation. Planting a variety of crops can also help deter ground beetles, as they may be less attracted to diverse plantings.

Use Beneficial Insects

Introducing beneficial insects into your garden can be an effective way to control ground beetles naturally. Predatory insects such as ground beetles’ natural enemies can help reduce their population and keep them in check. Ladybugs, lacewings, and parasitic wasps are examples of beneficial insects that feed on ground beetles and their larvae. By encouraging these natural predators in your garden, you can create a healthy ecosystem that helps control pest populations organically.

Apply Mulch and Barrier Methods

Mulching your garden beds and using barrier methods can help control ground beetles and protect your plants from damage. Applying a layer of mulch around plants can deter ground beetles by creating a physical barrier that makes it difficult for them to access the soil. Additionally, using barrier methods such as row covers, netting, or sticky traps can help prevent ground beetles from reaching your plants and causing damage.

Use Natural Repellents

There are several natural repellents that can help control ground beetles and deter them from infesting your garden. Ingredients such as neem oil, garlic, hot pepper, and diatomaceous earth can be effective at repelling ground beetles and other pests. These natural repellents are safe for plants and the environment and can be applied to your garden as needed to keep ground beetles at bay.

Consider Chemical Treatments

If natural control methods are not effective in controlling ground beetles, you may consider using chemical treatments as a last resort. Insecticides containing pyrethroids or carbaryl can be applied to affected areas to kill ground beetles. However, it is essential to use chemical treatments responsibly and follow the manufacturer’s instructions to minimize the impact on beneficial insects, plants, and the environment.


Controlling ground beetles is essential to protect your garden and property from infestation. By following these tips for controlling ground beetles, you can effectively manage their population and prevent damage to your plants. Identifying the problem early, removing debris and shelter, practicing crop rotation, using beneficial insects, applying mulch and barrier methods, using natural repellents, and considering chemical treatments are all effective strategies for controlling ground beetles. By implementing these tips and techniques, you can keep your garden healthy, thriving, and free from ground beetle infestations.

Need Exterminators in Bartlesville, OK?

Family owned and operated since 2003, we have earned a reputation for providing quality, reliable, timely, and affordable pest control services to the residents and businesses of Oklahoma and Kansas. Our team of highly skilled, experienced, and certified staff uses only use the most technologically advanced treatment methods while respecting your home needs. We specialize in the removal of ants and carpenter ants, termites, cockroaches, fleas, spiders, bed bugs, stinging insects, mice, rats and more! We offer monthly, bi-monthly, quarterly, semi-annual and annual service for your convenience and peace of mind! Contact us today to learn more about what we can do for you!

How Are Ants Getting Into My Home?


If you’ve ever noticed ants crawling around in your kitchen or living room, you may be wondering how they are getting into your home in the first place. These tiny insects can be a nuisance when they invade your space, so it’s important to understand how they are gaining access so you can take steps to prevent them from coming inside.

1. Cracks and Gaps in Entry Points:

One of the most common ways ants enter homes is through cracks and gaps in windows, doors, and walls. Ants are incredibly small creatures and can squeeze through even the tiniest of openings. It’s important to regularly inspect your home for any potential entry points and seal them off with caulk or weather stripping. This will help prevent ants from finding their way inside and establishing a colony.

2. Poorly Sealed Doors and Windows:

Doors and windows that are not properly sealed can also provide an easy entry point for ants. Check for any gaps or cracks around your doors and windows and make sure they are sealed tightly. Installing door sweeps and window screens can also help keep ants out of your home.

3. Plumbing and Electrical Openings:

Ants can also enter your home through openings in your plumbing and electrical systems. They are attracted to the moisture and warmth that these openings provide. Inspect your pipes, drains, and electrical outlets for any gaps or cracks and seal them off to prevent ants from using them as entry points.

4. Food Sources:

Ants are always on the lookout for sources of food, and if they find their way into your home, they will be drawn to any crumbs or spills they can find. Keeping your kitchen clean and storing food in airtight containers can help deter ants from entering your home in search of a meal. Make sure to wipe down countertops, sweep floors, and take out the trash regularly to eliminate any potential food sources for ants.

5. Outdoor Nesting Sites:

Ants that are already living in your yard or garden may also find their way into your home in search of food or shelter. If you have ant nests near your home, it’s important to take steps to eliminate them to prevent ants from entering your living space. You can use ant baits, sprays, or traps to control ant populations in your yard and create a barrier between your home and the nest.

6. Trees and Plants:

Ants can also use trees and plants that are in close proximity to your home as a bridge to gain entry. Trim branches and shrubs away from your house to prevent ants from using them as a pathway. You can also create a barrier of mulch or gravel around the perimeter of your home to discourage ants from venturing too close.

7. Pet Food and Water:

If you have pets, their food and water bowls can attract ants into your home. Make sure to clean up any spills and secure pet food in airtight containers to prevent ants from being lured inside by the scent of food. You can also place pet bowls on trays filled with soapy water to create a barrier that ants cannot cross.


There are several ways that ants can enter your home, but with some preventative measures, you can effectively keep them out. By sealing entry points, keeping your home clean, eliminating outdoor nesting sites, and taking steps to discourage ants from venturing near your property, you can reduce the chances of an ant infestation in your home. If you continue to have issues with ants despite your efforts, it may be time to consult with a professional pest control expert to address the problem. With diligence and persistence, you can keep ants from finding their way into your living space and enjoy a pest-free home.

Need Exterminators in Bartlesville, OK?

Family owned and operated since 2003, we have earned a reputation for providing quality, reliable, timely, and affordable pest control services to the residents and businesses of Oklahoma and Kansas. Our team of highly skilled, experienced, and certified staff uses only use the most technologically advanced treatment methods while respecting your home needs. We specialize in the removal of ants and carpenter ants, termites, cockroaches, fleas, spiders, bed bugs, stinging insects, mice, rats and more! We offer monthly, bi-monthly, quarterly, semi-annual and annual service for your convenience and peace of mind! Contact us today to learn more about what we can do for you!