How to Get Rid of Box Elder Beetles: Expert Tips from Local Pros


Box elder beetles are a common nuisance, especially during the fall and winter months when they seek shelter in homes. These small, black insects with their striking orange or red markings can quickly become a significant problem if not addressed properly. If you’re struggling with a box elder beetle infestation, you’re not alone. This comprehensive guide will delve into expert strategies for effective box elder beetle removal, providing you with insights from local professionals. Whether you’re interested in DIY solutions or considering professional pest control for box elder bugs, this guide has you covered.

What Are Box Elder Beetles?

Box elder beetles (Boisea trivittata) are small, adult insects measuring about 1/2 inch in length. They are easily identifiable by their black bodies and orange or red markings, often with a pattern of lines or spots. These beetles primarily feed on the seeds and leaves of box elder trees, but they can also be found on other types of maple trees and ash trees.

Why Do Box Elder Beetles Enter Homes?

During the cooler months, box elder beetles seek out warm places to overwinter. This is why they often invade homes in large numbers, especially when temperatures drop. They are attracted to the warmth and shelter that homes provide, which makes them more likely to enter through cracks and gaps around windows, doors, and foundations.

Potential Problems with Box Elder Beetles

While box elder beetles do not cause significant structural damage or pose serious health risks, their presence can be a nuisance. They can stain surfaces with their droppings and secretions, and their large numbers can be overwhelming. Additionally, their behavior of clustering together in large groups can be unsettling.

Expert Tips for Box Elder Beetle Removal

1. Seal Entry Points

One of the most effective ways to prevent box elder beetles from entering your home is to seal any potential entry points. This includes:

  • Windows and Doors: Check for gaps around window frames and door sills. Use weatherstripping or caulk to seal these openings.
  • Foundation: Inspect the foundation of your home for cracks and gaps. Repair these areas with concrete or mortar to prevent beetles from getting inside.
  • Vents and Pipes: Ensure that vents and pipes entering your home are properly sealed. Use mesh or screens to cover openings and prevent beetles from entering.

2. Remove Box Elder Trees

Box elder beetles are attracted to box elder trees, so removing these trees from your property can help reduce the beetle population. If removing the trees isn’t feasible, consider the following alternatives:

  • Trimming: Regularly trim box elder trees to reduce their appeal to beetles. This can help minimize the number of beetles that are drawn to your property.
  • Tree Maintenance: Maintain the health of your trees by pruning dead branches and treating any diseases or pests that may be affecting them. Healthy trees are less likely to attract beetles.

3. Use Insecticidal Soap

Insecticidal soap is a safe and effective option for dealing with box elder beetles, especially if you’re looking for a non-toxic solution. Here’s how to use it:

  • Application: Spray insecticidal soap directly onto the beetles and any surfaces where they are congregating. This soap works by suffocating the insects and can be effective in killing them on contact.
  • Frequency: Reapply the insecticidal soap as needed, especially after rain or if you continue to see new beetles.

4. Apply Pesticides

For more severe infestations, professional pest control for box elder bugs may be necessary. Local pest control experts have access to specialized pesticides that are designed to target box elder beetles effectively. Here’s what to consider:

  • Professional Treatment: Contact a local pest control company to assess the infestation and apply targeted treatments. Professionals can use advanced products and techniques to ensure thorough eradication.
  • Long-Term Solutions: In addition to immediate treatments, professionals can provide long-term solutions and advice on preventing future infestations.

5. Use Vacuum Cleaners

Using a vacuum cleaner can be an efficient way to remove box elder beetles from indoor surfaces. Here’s how to do it:

  • Vacuuming: Use a vacuum with a hose attachment to remove beetles from surfaces like floors, walls, and windowsills.
  • Disposal: After vacuuming, dispose of the vacuum bag immediately to prevent beetles from escaping back into your home.

6. Maintain Cleanliness

Keeping your home clean and free of potential food sources can help deter box elder beetles and other pests. Follow these cleanliness tips:

  • Regular Cleaning: Vacuum and dust your home regularly to remove any beetles and their droppings.
  • Food Storage: Store food in airtight containers and clean up any spills or crumbs promptly to avoid attracting pests.

7. Consider Natural Predators

Introducing natural predators can help control box elder beetle populations in your garden or yard. Some beneficial predators include:

  • Birds: Certain bird species, such as chickadees and wrens, feed on beetles and can help reduce their numbers.
  • Insects: Insects like ladybugs and lacewings can also prey on beetles. Encourage these predators by creating a hospitable environment in your garden.

When to Call a Professional

Signs You Need Professional Help

While DIY methods can be effective, there are situations where professional assistance is advisable. Consider calling a pest control expert if:

  • Large Infestation: The infestation is too large or persistent for DIY methods to handle effectively.
  • Recurrent Problems: You have dealt with box elder beetles before, and they keep returning despite your efforts.
  • Safety Concerns: You are uncomfortable using pesticides or other treatments on your own.

What to Expect from Professional Pest Control

A professional pest control service can offer several advantages, including:

  • Expert Assessment: Professionals can accurately assess the extent of the infestation and identify the source of the problem.
  • Targeted Treatments: They use specialized equipment and products to provide effective and long-lasting solutions.
  • Preventative Measures: Experts can provide advice on preventing future infestations and maintaining a beetle-free environment.

Preventing Future Infestations

1. Regular Maintenance

To keep box elder beetles and other pests at bay, regular maintenance is crucial. Here’s how to stay proactive:

  • Inspection: Regularly inspect your home and property for signs of pests and address any issues promptly.
  • Repairs: Fix any damage to your home’s structure, including cracks, gaps, and damaged screens.

2. Use Preventative Treatments

Applying preventative treatments around your home can help deter box elder beetles and other pests. These treatments include:

  • Barrier Sprays: Use barrier sprays around the exterior of your home to create a protective zone that repels beetles.
  • Seasonal Treatments: Apply treatments during peak infestation periods to prevent beetles from entering your home.

3. Educate Yourself

Staying informed about box elder beetles and other common pests in your area can help you manage and prevent infestations more effectively. Consider:

  • Local Resources: Reach out to local pest control professionals for advice and information about pests specific to your region.
  • Online Resources: Utilize online resources, including pest control websites and forums, to learn more about pest management strategies.


Box elder beetles can be a challenging problem, but with the right approach, you can effectively manage and remove these pests from your home. By sealing entry points, removing attractants, and using appropriate treatments, you can significantly reduce the likelihood of an infestation. If you’re struggling to control box elder beetles on your own, don’t hesitate to seek professional help.

For more information on box elder beetle removal and pest control for box elder bugs, contact a local pest control expert who can provide tailored solutions to keep your home beetle-free. With these expert tips and strategies, you’ll be well-equipped to handle any box elder beetle issues that come your way and enjoy a more comfortable, pest-free home.

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