What Are the Signs of a Brown Recluse Infestation?

Close Up,of,a,brown,recluse,spider

Brown recluse spiders are notorious for their venomous bite, which can cause severe health issues, and for their secretive nature, making them challenging to detect. If you live in an area where brown recluse spiders are known to inhabit, it’s essential to be vigilant about the signs of an infestation. In this blog post, we’ll explore the telltale signs of a brown recluse spider infestation and what you should do if you suspect their presence in your home.

Unusual Spider Sightings

The most obvious sign of a brown recluse infestation is the presence of these spiders themselves. Brown recluse spiders are typically tan to dark brown and have a distinctive violin-shaped mark on their cephalothorax. They have long, slender legs and are about the size of a U.S. quarter. If you notice spiders that fit this description, especially indoors, it’s a strong indicator that you may have a brown recluse infestation.

Silken Retreats and Webs

Brown recluse spiders are known for their unusual webs. Instead of the intricate, geometric webs of some other spider species, brown recluses construct irregular, messy webs in secluded areas. These webs serve as their retreats and can be found in dark, quiet spaces such as basements, crawl spaces, attics, and closets. If you discover such irregular webs in your home, it’s a clear sign that brown recluse spiders may be present.

Spider Bites and Skin Lesions

One of the most concerning signs of a brown recluse infestation is spider bites on residents. Brown recluse bites can be painful and, in some cases, lead to severe skin lesions. If you or your family members experience unexplained spider bites with necrotic or ulcerous wounds, it’s crucial to seek medical attention immediately. Bites from brown recluses can cause tissue damage that may require medical treatment, including antibiotics and wound care.

Nighttime Activity

Brown recluse spiders are nocturnal creatures, which means they are most active during the night. If you frequently spot them scurrying around your home after dark, it’s a strong indication of their presence. However, it’s important to note that brown recluses are shy and typically avoid human contact, so they often go unnoticed until an infestation becomes significant.

Shed Skins and Egg Sacs

As brown recluse spiders grow, they shed their skins. Finding these shed exoskeletons, especially in hidden corners or near their silken retreats, is a sure sign of an infestation. Additionally, you may come across small, round egg sacs that brown recluses produce to lay their eggs. These sacs are typically creamy-white to pale yellow in color and are about the size of a pencil eraser.

Dead Insects and Prey

Brown recluse spiders are predators that feed on insects and other small prey. If you notice an abundance of dead insects in your home, especially in corners or dark areas, it could indicate an infestation of brown recluses. They often leave behind the remains of their prey near their webs or retreats.

Unexplained Illnesses and Allergies

In some cases, individuals may experience unexplained illnesses or allergic reactions that are linked to brown recluse infestations. Breathing in the tiny, airborne hairs from these spiders can lead to respiratory problems or allergic reactions in sensitive individuals. If you or your family members develop respiratory issues or unexplained allergies, it may be time to investigate the presence of brown recluses in your home.

Visible Nesting Sites

Brown recluse spiders prefer dark, cluttered, and undisturbed areas for nesting. Check in and around boxes, stored items, piles of clothing, and other seldom-used spaces for signs of spider nests or silk. Clearing clutter and reducing hiding places can help discourage their presence.

Audible Signs of Movement

In some instances, you may hear brown recluse spiders moving in walls or ceiling voids. Their movements can create a faint rustling or tapping sound. If you hear such noises in areas where you suspect infestation, it’s time to investigate further.

Professional Pest Inspection

When in doubt or if you suspect a brown recluse infestation, it’s advisable to contact a professional pest control service. Pest control experts can conduct a thorough inspection of your property, identify the presence of brown recluse spiders, and recommend appropriate measures for eradication and prevention.


Identifying the signs of a brown recluse infestation is crucial for the health and safety of your household. These reclusive spiders can pose significant health risks, and their presence should not be taken lightly. Regularly inspecting your home, keeping clutter to a minimum, and seeking professional pest control services when needed are essential steps in managing and preventing brown recluse infestations. Remember that the sooner you address the issue, the easier it is to control and eliminate the infestation.

Got Questions? Let Us Help!

Family owned and operated since 2003, we have earned a reputation for providing quality, reliable, timely, and affordable pest control services to the residents and businesses of Oklahoma and Kansas. Our team of highly skilled, experienced, and certified staff uses only use the most technologically advanced treatment methods while respecting your home needs. We specialize in the removal of ants and carpenter ants, termites, cockroaches, fleas, spiders, bed bugs, stinging insects, mice, rats and more! We offer monthly, bi-monthly, quarterly, semi-annual and annual service for your convenience and peace of mind! Contact us today to learn more about what we can do for you!

Tips for Identifying Black Widow Spiders


Spiders are a common sight in many homes and gardens, and most of them are harmless. However, some species, like the black widow spider, can be potentially dangerous due to their venomous bite. Identifying these venomous arachnids is crucial for your safety. In this blog post, we will explore tips for identifying black widow spiders so you can take appropriate precautions and, if necessary, seek professional help when you encounter one.

1. Recognizing the Female Black Widow

The female black widow spider is the most notorious and venomous of the species. To identify her, look for these distinctive features:

2. Identifying the Male Black Widow

Male black widow spiders have a significantly different appearance compared to their female counterparts. While they are not as dangerous as females because their venom is less potent, it’s still helpful to know how to identify them:

3. Egg Sacs and Webs

In addition to spider appearance, you can identify black widows by their distinctive egg sacs and webs:

4. Behavior and Movement

Observing a spider’s behavior and movements can also aid in identification. Black widows exhibit distinct behaviors that can help you recognize them:

5. Seek Professional Identification

While the aforementioned tips can help you identify black widow spiders, it’s important to remember that spider identification can be tricky, especially for non-experts. If you encounter a spider that you suspect is a black widow or are unsure of its identity, it is advisable to seek professional identification.

Local pest control experts, entomologists, or arachnologists can accurately identify the spider species and provide guidance on how to deal with it. They can also offer safe removal options if necessary.

6. Safety Precautions

If you suspect the presence of black widow spiders in or around your home, it’s essential to take safety precautions:


Identifying black widow spiders is essential for your safety and peace of mind. Familiarizing yourself with the physical characteristics, behaviors, and habitat preferences of these venomous spiders can help you take the necessary precautions when encountering them. Remember that if you’re uncertain about a spider’s identity, seeking professional assistance is the safest approach. By following these tips, you can coexist with spiders while minimizing potential risks.

Got Questions? Let Us Help!

Family owned and operated since 2003, we have earned a reputation for providing quality, reliable, timely, and affordable pest control services to the residents and businesses of Oklahoma and Kansas. Our team of highly skilled, experienced, and certified staff uses only use the most technologically advanced treatment methods while respecting your home needs. We specialize in the removal of ants and carpenter ants, termites, cockroaches, fleas, spiders, bed bugs, stinging insects, mice, rats and more! We offer monthly, bi-monthly, quarterly, semi-annual and annual service for your convenience and peace of mind! Contact us today to learn more about what we can do for you!

Tips for Getting Rid of Crickets

Close,up:,many,black,crickets,crawling,around,on,carton,eggCrickets may be harmless creatures, but their incessant chirping can be quite annoying, especially when they invade your home or garden. If you’re dealing with a cricket infestation and looking for effective ways to get rid of them, here are some tips that can help you eliminate these pesky insects.

1. Identify the source of the infestation

Before trying any methods to control crickets, it’s important to identify the source of the problem. Crickets are attracted to moisture and food sources, so check for any damp areas, leaky pipes, or food spills that may be drawing them in. By removing these attractants, you can make your home less appealing to crickets.

2. Remove clutter and debris

Crickets are known to hide in cluttered areas and piles of debris, so keep your indoor and outdoor spaces clean and tidy. Declutter your storage areas, basements, and garages to eliminate potential hiding spots for crickets. Additionally, clear your yard of any leaves, piles of wood, or lawn debris where crickets might seek shelter.

3. Seal cracks and crevices

Crickets can easily find their way into your home through small cracks and openings. Inspect the exterior of your house and seal any gaps in windows, doors, and foundation with caulk or weatherstripping. In addition, make sure your window screens are intact and fit tightly to prevent crickets from entering your home.

4. Use natural repellents

If you prefer to avoid using chemical insecticides, there are several natural repellents that can help deter crickets. Sprinkle diatomaceous earth, a fine powder made from fossilized phytoplankton, around areas where crickets are present. The sharp edges of the powder will damage their exoskeleton and dehydrate them. Another natural repellent is citrus peels, as crickets dislike the strong scent. Place orange or lemon peels near entry points and potential hiding spots to keep them away.

5. Set up cricket traps

Traps are an effective way to catch and remove crickets from your home. You can purchase cricket traps or make your own using a shallow container filled with water and a few drops of dish soap. The soapy water will reduce the surface tension and cause the crickets to drown when they jump in. Place these traps in areas where crickets are active, such as basements, kitchens, or near doors and windows.

6. Use insecticides or pesticides

If the infestation is severe and natural methods have proven ineffective, you may consider using insecticides or pesticides. Choose products specifically labeled for crickets, and follow the instructions carefully to ensure safe and effective use. Indoor pest control sprays or dusts can be applied along baseboards, cracks, and crevices to target crickets hiding in these areas. Outdoor insecticides can be applied to the perimeter of your home or in areas where crickets are breeding.

7. Consult a professional

If your cricket problem persists despite your best efforts, it may be time to seek professional help. Pest control professionals have the knowledge and expertise to identify the severity of the infestation and offer specialized pest control treatments. They can also provide guidance on preventive measures to avoid future cricket problems.

8. Implement preventive measures

Once you have successfully eliminated the cricket infestation, it’s essential to implement preventive measures to keep them from returning. Regularly inspect and maintain your home, especially areas prone to moisture and food sources. Keep your surroundings clean and free of clutter, and maintain proper ventilation to reduce humidity. Additionally, consider installing insect screens on doors and windows to prevent crickets and other insects from entering.


By following these tips and being proactive in your approach, you can effectively eliminate crickets from your home and prevent future infestations. Remember to choose environmentally friendly options whenever possible to minimize the impact on the ecosystem.

Got Questions? Let Us Help!

Family owned and operated since 2003, we have earned a reputation for providing quality, reliable, timely, and affordable pest control services to the residents and businesses of Oklahoma and Kansas. Our team of highly skilled, experienced, and certified staff uses only use the most technologically advanced treatment methods while respecting your home needs. We specialize in the removal of ants and carpenter ants, termites, cockroaches, fleas, spiders, bed bugs, stinging insects, mice, rats and more! We offer monthly, bi-monthly, quarterly, semi-annual and annual service for your convenience and peace of mind! Contact us today to learn more about what we can do for you!

Signs of Black Widow Spider Infestation

Black,widow,spider,,a,common,venomous,spider,in,north,carolina.Black widow spiders are notorious for their venomous bite and the potentially dangerous health consequences it can have. Identifying the signs of a black widow spider infestation is crucial for the safety and well-being of you and your family. In this blog post, we will discuss the key signs to look out for in order to determine if your home is harboring a black widow spider infestation.

Web Characteristics

Black widow spiders are known for their unique web architecture. Their webs are irregular in shape and typically feature a dense tangle of silk. These webs can be found in dark and secluded areas, such as garages, sheds, basements, or even under eaves and porch corners. Look out for distinctive web patterns, as they are one of the primary indicators of a black widow spider infestation.

Distinctive Coloring

One of the most recognizable features of a black widow spider is its coloring. Adult female black widow spiders are typically shiny black, with a distinctive red hourglass-shaped marking on their abdomen. This red marking serves as a warning sign of their venomous nature. Male black widow spiders, on the other hand, are smaller and often have lighter coloring, ranging from gray to brown with white or yellow markings. Being able to identify these distinct coloring features will aid in recognizing a black widow spider infestation.

Location Preference

Black widow spiders prefer dark, undisturbed areas, and they tend to gravitate towards places where they can hide and find prey. It’s important to be aware of their preferred locations in order to detect an infestation. Black widow spiders commonly hide in cluttered spaces, such as basements, storage areas, sheds, or even in piles of firewood. They may also seek refuge in outdoor structures, like garden sheds or under patio furniture. By checking these areas regularly, you can catch any signs of a black widow spider infestation early on.

Egg Sacs

Another telltale sign of a black widow spider infestation is the presence of egg sacs. Female black widow spiders create sacs using their silk, which protect their eggs until they hatch. The sacs are white or cream-colored and are typically round or oval in shape. These egg sacs can be found in the same dark and secluded areas where black widow spiders commonly establish their webs. If you spot any of these egg sacs, it is a clear indicator that black widow spiders are present in your home.

Unusual Behavior

While black widow spiders generally try to avoid human contact, their behavior can be another sign of an infestation. Look out for an increased number of sightings or encounters with black widow spiders in and around your home. A sudden influx of these venomous spiders could be a sign that their population is growing. Additionally, be wary of signs of aggression or defensive behavior from black widow spiders. If they feel threatened, they may exhibit aggressive postures by lifting their front legs or making biting motions. It’s important to exercise caution if you notice these behaviors, as a black widow spider bite can have severe consequences.

Seeking Professional Assistance

If you suspect a black widow spider infestation in your home, it’s essential to seek professional assistance. Black widow spiders are venomous and should not be handled or removed without proper training and equipment. Pest control professionals have the necessary expertise to safely identify and eliminate a black widow spider infestation. They will employ methods such as insecticidal sprays, dusts, or traps to eliminate the spiders and their webs, ensuring the safety of your home.


Identifying the signs of a black widow spider infestation is crucial for maintaining a safe and healthy living environment. By observing their web characteristics, distinctive coloring, finding egg sacs, noting unusual behavior, and seeking professional help when necessary, you can act promptly if an infestation is detected. Remember, black widow spiders are venomous and potentially dangerous, so it is always best to consult with professionals to eliminate an infestation safely. With proper vigilance and swift action, you can protect your home and loved ones from the dangers associated with a black widow spider infestation.

Got Questions? Let Us Help!

Family owned and operated since 2003, we have earned a reputation for providing quality, reliable, timely, and affordable pest control services to the residents and businesses of Oklahoma and Kansas. Our team of highly skilled, experienced, and certified staff uses only use the most technologically advanced treatment methods while respecting your home needs. We specialize in the removal of ants and carpenter ants, termites, cockroaches, fleas, spiders, bed bugs, stinging insects, mice, rats and more! We offer monthly, bi-monthly, quarterly, semi-annual and annual service for your convenience and peace of mind! Contact us today to learn more about what we can do for you!

Signs of Fleas in Your Home

Flea,in,animal,fur,close,up.,the,destruction,of,parasitesFleas are tiny, wingless insects that can infest your home and cause discomfort for both humans and pets. These pesky creatures can multiply rapidly, making it essential to identify the signs of their presence as early as possible. In this blog post, we will explore the common signs that indicate a flea infestation in your home.

1. Unexplained Itching and Scratching:

One of the most obvious signs of fleas in your home is an increase in itching and scratching, both for you and your pets. Fleas typically feed on the blood of animals, and their bites can cause intense itching and irritation. If you and your pets are constantly scratching, even when there are no visible signs of other skin conditions, it may be an indicator of flea activity in your home.

2. Visible Fleas:

Spotting live fleas in your home is a clear indication of an infestation. Fleas are tiny, brown insects that can quickly move from one host to another. Pay close attention to your pets’ fur, especially if they have long hair. Fleas often hide in their fur and can be seen moving around or jumping from one place to another. Additionally, you might also notice fleas on your furniture, carpets, or other areas where they have been dropped off by pets.

3. Flea Dirt and Droppings:

Flea dirt, which is essentially flea excrement, is another sign that fleas may have infiltrated your home. Flea dirt looks like black pepper or tiny black specks and is often found on your pet’s skin, bedding, or furniture. To check if it’s flea dirt, place some of the specks on a damp paper towel. If the particles dissolve and turn reddish-brown, it confirms the presence of fleas.

4. Allergic Reactions:

Many people and pets are allergic to flea saliva. When bitten by fleas, they can react with excessive itching, redness, and even develop rashes or hives. If you or your pets are exhibiting these symptoms and there’s no other apparent cause, it’s a strong indication of a flea infestation. Keep in mind that some individuals may not have an immediate allergic reaction and may experience symptoms weeks or even months after a bite, making it crucial to remain vigilant.

5. Excessive Grooming:

Pets suffering from flea infestations often excessively groom themselves in an attempt to remove the irritating pests. Frequent licking, scratching, and biting at their fur is a telltale sign that they are dealing with fleas. You may also observe hair loss in certain areas, especially on the back, base of the tail, or on their bellies, where fleas tend to congregate.

6. Flea Eggs and Larvae:

Fleas reproduce rapidly, and their eggs and larvae are often found in the environment. Tiny white flea eggs, about 0.5mm in size, resemble salt grains and can be discovered in pet bedding, carpets, and other areas where pets spend time. The eggs eventually hatch into larvae, which are worm-like and typically translucent or white in color. If you notice these eggs or larvae in your home, it indicates that fleas have been reproducing and their population is likely growing.


Identifying the signs of fleas in your home is crucial in preventing a full-blown infestation and protecting the health and well-being of your family and pets. If you notice any of the aforementioned signs, it’s important to take immediate action to eradicate fleas from your home. Consult your veterinarian and consider using insecticides, flea treatments, or contacting professional pest control services to effectively eliminate fleas and prevent future reinfestations.

Got Questions? Let Us Help!

Family owned and operated since 2003, we have earned a reputation for providing quality, reliable, timely, and affordable pest control services to the residents and businesses of Oklahoma and Kansas. Our team of highly skilled, experienced, and certified staff uses only use the most technologically advanced treatment methods while respecting your home needs. We specialize in the removal of ants and carpenter ants, termites, cockroaches, fleas, spiders, bed bugs, stinging insects, mice, rats and more! We offer monthly, bi-monthly, quarterly, semi-annual and annual service for your convenience and peace of mind! Contact us today to learn more about what we can do for you!